27 July 2023

Ready, Set, Pro

Product news
Music makes brands memorable. It opens up a world of possibilities, as long as a business knows how and where to use it.

Our Brand Sound Pro Package doesn’t just give clients access to that world, it provides the guidance and expertise needed to make the most of it.

It’s the natural choice for brands that are highly active online, looking to engage a range of consumers across multiple channels, and ready to create a complete sonic identity that cuts through the noise.

Unpacking pro

Voiceover Suite

Once the perfect brand voice is chosen, voiceover suite allows brands to spread the word. Their copywriter and voiceover will work in sync on social media ads, company videos and more.

Sonic Logo

Nothing builds recognition quite like a sonic logo. It’s the quickest, most effective way to capture the heart of a brand, forming a long-lasting association in your mind.

Multi-Platform Music License

This gives clients a chance to be heard everywhere, unlocking permissions to use their exclusive track wherever they want.


Through multi-language voiceovers and expert translators, clients can communicate a consistent, clear message to a global audience.

Directed Voice Sessions

A virtual studio experience. Once scripting is approved, clients can work alongside their voiceover and copywriter to listen as their productions are brought to life, make suggestions and sign off the same very same day.

Music Playlist

A unique playlist of tracks – composer-curated – helps brands retain consistency while remaining fresh across all platforms.

Audio Toolkit

We create unique edits of a client’s track in whatever length required to suit whatever project they’re working on.

Complete Caller Experience

A cloud-based phone system offers enormous opportunities, and from expert consultations and call mapping to implementation and regular audits, we make sure clients take advantage of every single one.

Related insights

PHMG reports another year of strong financial growth

Financial performance

PHMG reports another year of strong financial growth

The business has continued to strengthen its market leadership position across the global audio branding industry.

Complete Caller Experience

Product news

Complete Caller Experience

From implementing audio changes, to a full strategic partnership, the range of services that makes up Complete Caller Experience enables businesses to deliver a world-class customer encounter.

Ready, Set, Pro

Product news

Ready, Set, Pro

Music makes brands memorable. It opens up a world of possibilities, as long as a business knows how and where to use it.